Refund eligibility: To be eligible for a refund, services must have been paid for in full and must not have been rendered or completed.
Refund request: To request a refund, you must contact us in writing and provide a detailed explanation of the reason for the refund request.
Refund approval: All refund requests are subject to review and approval by our management team. If the request is approved, we will process the refund within 14 business days.
Refund amount: The refund amount will be based on the portion of services not yet rendered or completed at the time of the refund request.
No refunds for completed services: We do not offer refunds for services that have already been completed or rendered in full.
Partial refunds: In certain circumstances, we may offer partial refunds based on the extent to which services have been rendered or completed.
Non-refundable services: Certain services may be marked as non-refundable, and no refunds will be issued for these services.
Refunds via original payment method: All refunds will be issued via the original payment method used to purchase the services.
Changes to refund policy: We reserve the right to make changes to our refund policy at any time, and any changes will be posted on our website.
Need help?
Contact us at for questions related to refunds.